Thursday, June 27, 2024
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South Asian Journal of Diplomacy

South Asian Journal of Diplomacy (SAJD) is a refereed journal published by the K.P.S. Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies, School of International Relations and Politics (SIRP), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. SAJD is committed to publishing the best of studies in Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Politics and International Relations (IR). It seeks to bring out topical, scholarly work on significant debates in Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Politics and IR and on all major issues affecting South Asia and other countries. SAJD will uphold values of secularism, democracy, peace and pluralist perspectives. Editorial policy also seeks to promote variety in subject matter and methodology. Each volume will carry peer-reviewed research articles, and a mix of review essays, interviews and debates. Special issues will also be published from time to time. SAJD is published in June every year. The articles and reviews will be sent for peer-review as soon as they are received. There will be a panel of referees who will look into various aspects of the articles/reviews received, such as topicality, contents, theoretical as well as empirical components and methodology. Copy right of the journal, alongside the articles/reviews published, shall be vested with the K.P.S. Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies, SIRP, Mahatma Gandhi University.


  • K.M. Seethi

Board of Associate Editors

  • A.M. Thomas
  • R. Girish Kumar
  • C. Vinodan
  • M.V. Bijulal
  • Lirar P.

Board of International Advisory Editors

  • James Petras (Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York)
  • Mark Phythian (Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester, UK)
  • Kanti Bajpai (National University of Singapore)
  • Achin Vanaik (Department of Political Science, Delhi University, India)
  • V. Suryanarayan (Centre for Asian Studies, Chennai, India)
  • Zheng Yongnian (East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore)
  • Itty Abraham (National University of Singapore)
  • Moonis Ahmar (Department of International Relations, University of Karachi, Pakistan)
  • Ambassador Geetha De Silva (Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  • Delwar Hossain (Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
  • Matthew Craven (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)

Editorial Office

  • K.P.S. Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies
    School of International Relations and Politics
    Mahatma Gandhi University
    Priyadarshini Hills P.O.,
    Kottayam, Kerala
    India PIN- 686560
Year Download Issue
2021 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.12
2020 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.11
2019 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.10
2018 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.9
2017 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.8
2016 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.7
2015 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.6
2014 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.5
2013 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.4
2012 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.3
2011 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.2
2010 South Asian Journal of Diplomacy -Vol.1
General Description and Submission Guidelines