One of the distinct features of the School of International Relations and Politics (SIRP) is the active engagement with some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We find these goals as one of the most prominent and pertinent contemporary global document and collective output to engage with. The SDGs are 17 targets for global development issued by the United Nations in 2015. The school finds that it is necessary to engagement with the goals as they broadly seek to address global inequalities in healthcare, education, sanitation, and economy. The global frame of reference as well as the focal areas therein are continuously engaged with as part of the curriculum as well as the several extension activities.
The school through course works on the politics of Climate Change, Ecology, Gender, Migration, as well as Urban Processes addresses the SDGs in a creative and critical spirit. This is often done by embedding and localising the goals into the curriculum, campus activities, extension work by faculty as well as incorporations of new methodological frames in learning and research.
The following SDGs have been directly engaged with in the past few years:
The goal 5 of gender equality has been part of active electives and course works by experts in the faculty as well as the workshops and seminars on the nuances in gender inequalities or queer theorisations. The goal 10 that focusses on reduction of inequalities are a continuous concern of courses like political economy, modules on marginality, migrations as well as the social lab outcomes, The goal 11 of sustainable cities are a direct subject matter of urban courses, the urban labs as well as the policy submissions for city corporations and collaborations with global organisations. The goal 13 of climate actions are parts of the climate courses, fact finding missions, social analysis of disasters, social labs as well as interdisciplinary forums. And the goal 15 directly gets addressed in course on ecology, social labs, or expert committee activities by faculty at the school.