Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Faculty from the school has been involved in several types of consultancies and have been invitees in and part of expert committees. Many of these are directly connected with sustainability questions and SDG goals as well as broadly on the social, community, cultural, ecological and biodiversity impacts.

  • Dr. Bijulal M V, Assistant Professor, SIRP was involved in various paid consultancies, related to social impact assessments and expert committees. Since 2019 he has been part of several such committees and has completed 22 evaluation reports. The involvement as chairperson of the committee for assessment of social impact report for the Green Field airport at Sabarimala is noteworthy. He has been a consultant for the Centre for Indian Migration Studies and has been mentoring in the GOAL programme of the Ministry to Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India. The work done towards empowering students from indigenous communities has been appreciated and awarded.
  • Dr. Bijulal M V, Assistant Professor, SIRP has worked as consultant with the UNDP programme commissioned by the Kerala Institute of Local Administration. Currently he is active working as consultant with the innovation Initiative for the welfare of interstate migrant labourers in Kerala that is facilitated by a platform called bhai log. They try to facilitate basic livelihood necessities of the migrant workers. During the consultancy work with the Kerala Institute of labour and employment (GOK), he was one of the expert committee members. Here he was involved in creating a comprehensive document for the social, psychological and physical wellbeing of transgenders.
  • Dr. Mathew A Varghese, Assistant Professor, SIRP runs a hub based in Kerala for a global network called Sustainable Futures Global. Amongst the participative processes, he was part of the 4th Annual Sustainable Futures in Africa Network Symposium from April 19 to 23, 2021, titled “Sustainable Futures: Reaching Globally to Sustain us Locally”. Further he was invited as Sector Expert, in the India-EU Urban Partnership programme assisted, Urban Sustainability and Smart City Event, at Kochi (October 2022).
  • Dr. Mathew was an invitee as consultant in the workshop on Development of Investment Case for Nature based Solutions in Kochi, organised by ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia, in collaboration with Kochi Municipal Corporation as part of the project on urban biodiversity, entitled “INTERACT-Bio: Integrated sub-national action for Biodiversity- Supporting implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)” (December 2021). Further he was also a member of the Technical Working Group, in the making of Report- Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Kochi Municipal Corporation (May 2020).