Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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The school has adequate facilities for classrooms, library, cartographic visualize, computer services, besides a well-equipped seminar hall.  The school has introduced a variety of audiovisual information systems and information based programmes through computer-internet services.  Hop visualization and has LCD technology for special lectures and seminars.  The library-information service and faculty-administrative staff of the school have received training in and periodic exposures to advanced computer system and its multiple uses for social science research.

The library of the school is the first computerized departmental library in the university.  It has a collection of over 8000 titles with the most recently published books,.

The school also enjoys the support facilities of the nearby university library, which is one of the best in south India in terms of latest books and journals.  The number  and quality of journals subscribed in the realm of the disciplines of the school is very impressive.  The school maintains very good computer services.  It has several advanced computers and accessories.  Apart from these, for instructional purposes, the school has over head projectors (OHP) and LCD projectors.  The students of the school get the benefit of the centralized health services provided by the university, similarly, they can make use of the facilities offered by the school of physical education of the university.  The university provides students with the hostel and canteen facilities.  It is the first institution in south India to offer a postgraduate degree in politics and international relations and politics and human rights.  Members of the faculty have teaching and research experience from reputed universities such as Jawaharlal Nehru University and universities abroad.



