Wednesday, March 19, 2025
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Mr. Said Muslim Sadat

Said Muslim Sadat, currently a research scholar at the School of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, is being guided by Dr. Bijulal MV. He has completed MA at school of International Relations and Politics from MG University in the HR (human rights) Section. He  bring extensive experience in teaching and long-term training, as well as a background as a civil servant and human rights activist, having worked with various international organizations in Afghanistan, including prominent ones like War Child UK and CPAN (Chilled Protections Actions Networks). The focus of his current work revolves around the human rights protection of the Afghan migrants in Iran from a transnational the same time he is member of Serb internship.

“Human Rights Protection of The Afghan Migrants in Iran: A Transnational Perspective” examines the problem of preserving the rights and welfare of Afghan migrants residing in Iran within a larger international perspective. It explores the difficulties, campaigns, and coordinated efforts necessary to guarantee that these migrants’ human rights are protected across international borders. This viewpoint takes into account the obligations of Iran as a host nation as well as the obligations of the whole international community.

Challenges and Opportunities: The transnational perspective highlights the challenges faced by Afghan migrants in Iran, such as discrimination, limited access to education and healthcare, and the threat of deportation. It also identifies opportunities for diplomatic engagement, resource sharing, and capacity building to address these challenges effectively.

International Legal Framework: The transnational approach involves analyzing how international human rights conventions and treaties apply to the rights of Afghan migrants in Iran. This includes examining whether these migrants are granted protection and rights as refugees or as individuals seeking a better life.

Collaborative Efforts: Addressing the human rights protection of Afghan migrants requires collaboration between Iran and other countries, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Collective efforts can lead to the development of policies and programs that address the specific needs and challenges faced by Afghan migrants.
