Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations

The Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations (IJPAIR) is a biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal published by the School of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India. IJPAIR has been in publication since 2008 and is included in the UGC-CARE List of academic journal from January 2020. The journal’s primary objective is to foster intellectual debate and disseminate cutting-edge research on politics and international relations, with an emphasis on the Indian perspective and its engagement with global issues.

The IJPAIR welcomes contributions from scholars, researchers, and academics in the form of original research articles, review articles, and book reviews. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, Indian foreign policy, regional and global security, diplomacy, political economy, human rights, environmental politics, and international law. By providing a platform for informed discussions on India’s role in the international sphere, the journal aims to enhance understanding of contemporary political dynamics and contribute to the ongoing discourse on global governance and international cooperation.

ISSN:  0973-5011 (Print)

C. Vinodan, Director, SIRP



Associate Editors

  • M.V. Bijulal
  • Lirar P.
  • Mathew Varghese
  • Aparna Eswaran
  • Jojin V John






Board of Advisory Editors

  • Kanti Bajpai (National University of Singapore)
  • T.V. Paul (Mcgill University)
  • Yong-Soo Eun (Hanyang University)
  • Harsh V. Pant (King’s College London)
  • Shibashis Chatterjee (Jadavpur University)
  • Prabhat Patnaik (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
  • Francis Boyle (University of Illinois College of Law)
  • Sabina Lautensach (University of Auckland)
  • Neera Chandhoke (Delhi University)
  • Rajen Harshe (South Asian University)
  • Alexander Lautensach (University of Northern British Colombia)
  • Jayadeva Uyangoda (University of Colombo)
  • Valerian Rodrigues (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Editorial Office

School of International Relations and Politics
Mahatma Gandhi University
Priyadarshini Hills P.O.
Kottayam, Kerala
India PIN- 686560



Aim and Scope

IJPAIR is a refereed biannual journal published by the School of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. IJPAIR is committed to providing a space for the best of writings in Political Science and International Relations (IR). It publishes topical, scholarly work on significant debates in Politics and IR and on all major socio-economic, cultural and political issues affecting India and other countries. IJPAIR seeks to uphold a pluralist perspective. Editorial policy promotes variety in subject matter and methodology. IJPAIR welcomes articles from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to Politics and International Relations, besides conceptual essays and policy analysis. Each volume will carry peer-reviewed research articles, and a mix of review essays, interviews and debates. Special issues will also be published from time to time.


IJPAIR will be published in January and July every year. The articles and reviews will be sent for peer-review as soon as they are received. There will be a panel of referees who will look into various aspects of the articles/reviews received, such as topicality, contents, theoretical as well as empirical components and methodology.


Copyright of the journal, alongside the articles/reviews published, shall be with the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University except in cases where essays are reproduced with the permission of the author/publisher.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of IJPAIR will be reviewed.  There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this Journal. As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you, that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere

The authors should send the manuscript as an e-mail attachment in MS Word format to the Editor ( The title page should contain the full title, subtitle (optional), preferred abbreviated running head, abstract (100-150 words) and key words ( 5-7) in alphabetical order for online search. Biographical notes (50-100 words) should give current affiliation, research interests and recent publications. Research articles should be of 6000 words, including footnotes. Lengths for review essays shall be 2,000 words. English (UK) spelling should be used for the preparation of the manuscript. Spell out numbers from one to nine and use figures for 10 and above except in tables. Indent all quotations of more than 50 words and make sure that all subheadings are clearly indicated. Dates should be in the form 14 May 2002. Use single quotation marks and double marks inside single. Use endnotes as a referencing system listing authors as they name themselves. Please see the SIRP format for details of the reference style.


Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations is available against subscription. Rates of subscription for one year will be as follows:

Country Institutional  Individual
India  Rs. 1500 Rs. 1000
SAARC countries USD 50 USD 30
Other countries  USD 70 USD 50


Country Institutional  Individual
India  Rs. 800 Rs. 500
SAARC countries USD 25  USD 15
Other countries USD 40 USD 25
Special Issue Rs. 1500  Rs. 1000


All Issues of IJPAIR


Year Vol No  Issue Download
2023 16 1   IJPAIR-Vol.16. No.1 Upcoming
2022 15 2   IJPAIR-Vol.15. No.2 Full-Text
2022 15 1   IJPAIR-Vol.15. No.1 Full-Text
2021 14 2 IJPAIR-Vol.14. No.2 Full-Text
2021 14 1 IJPAIR-Vol.14. No.1 Full-Text
2020 13 2 IJPAIR-Vol.13. No.2 Full-Text Content
. 2019-20 12-13 IJPAIR-Vol.12 No.2-Vol 13 No 1 : Special Issue-100 Years of International Relations Content Page
2019 12 1 IJPAIR-Vol.12. No.1
2018 11 1&2 IJPAIR-Vol.11. No.1&2 Full-Text
2017 10 2 IJPAIR-Vol.10. No.2 Full-Text
2017 10 1 IJPAIR-Vol.10. No.1 Full-Text
2016 9 2 IJPAIR-Vol.9. No.2 Full-Text
2016 9 1 IJPAIR-Vol.9. No.1 Full-Text
2014-15 5-8 IJPAIR-Vol.5-8: 30 Year’s Special Issue Full-Text
2011 4 1&2 IJPAIR-Vol.4. No.1&2 Full-Text
2010 3 1&2 IJPAIR-Vol.3. No.1&2 Full-Text
2009 2 2 IJPAIR-Vol.2. No.2 Full-Text
2009 2 1 IJPAIR-Vol.2. No.1 Full-Text
2008 1 2 IJPAIR-Vol.1. No.2 Content Page
2008 1 1 IJPAIR-Vol.1. No.1 Content Page

